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Equipamentos profissionais para bombeiros florestais

How to protect your house or urbanized areas in case of wildfires

The self-protection of homes and residential areas is already a key factor to take into account.

We are facing an episode of extreme fire risk not only in the Iberian Peninsula, but also in much of southern Europe and for this reason we would like to remind you of the importance of self-protection devices against wildfires.

The climate crisis and the action (and inaction) of man are causing forest fires to be increasingly changing and devastating and, at the same time, that has generated the need for new tools and solutions to help us protect ourselves.

In the same way that there are equipment and tools that can help firefighters to protect themselves in an emergency situation, there are also self-protection devices that are applicable to society. These devices have been designed to protect assets, houses and/or communities in the event of a wildfire.

Next, we will explain what solutions exist and how we can use them:


Self-protection trailer

Designed to protect urbanized areas, isolated homes, campsites, recreational areas and/or isolated structures in forest areas in the event of a forest fire. This equipment allows a complete self-protection system to be quickly transported and deployed, which also incorporates all the PPE necessary for the operation (scalable as needed).


What does it include?

Two high-flow and high-pressure portable pumps, 3 complete PPE (3 forestry jackets, 3 forestry pants, 3 vft1 helmets, 3 vft gloves and 3 vft1 goggles), 4 water cannons, 1 gorgui multifunction tool, 2 fire bats, an SG540 lance , 3-layer hoses, reductions and forks.


How does it work?

  1. Select the area to defend
  2. Install the motor pump at the nearest water point (hydrant, swimming pool, water pool or river).
  3. Perform the installation of hoses (from the motor pump to the cannons).
  4. Place the water cannons in defense position.
  5. Turn on the motor pump and start throwing water.


Self-protection kit for swimming pools

This is equipment already prepared to work sucking from any point of water. Although they are specially designed to work sucking from a swimming pool, we can also work directly from hydrants, cisterns, rivers, flexible tanks, etc.

The Kit is composed of:

  • Motor pump group (pressure and flow data BH4-13)
  • Hose reel with anti-twist fixation (with capacity for 40 meters of hose)
  • 2 sections of 20 meters of 25mm flat hose (professional firefighters, 40 BAR) with BCN 25 fittings (40 meters in total)
  • Professional lance adjustable in flow rate, 20-50-100-150 lit/m and in the type of long-range fan and spray jet.
  • Fast and effective manual pump for priming (in stainless steel)
  • 5 m suction hose with quick connection to the pump and filter at the inlet
  • Priming instructions always in sight.


Sideinfo self-protection system + motor pump.


Lastly, we have to talk about the sum of our portable motorized pump: the Black Hawk 4-23 and the SIDEINFO Self-Protection System, since it is the perfect combination to protect your homes in case they are in areas close to Forest Fires. (IIFF).

The BH4-23 is part of the Black Hawk vft portable pump line. It combines a powerful 23 HP Briggs and Stratton Vanguard V twin air-cooled engine with electronic cut-off, with the Speed ​​Increaser vft and the VFT_4SP 4-stage centrifugal pump, offering excellent working capacity at high pressures and high flow rates. This combination is capable of making long hose runs both in series and in parallel without losing performance. It can reach up to 28.8 bar and 397 l/min.

What applications does it have?

  • Direct fire attack.
  • Long hose runs.
  • Self-protection maneuvers with sprinklers.
  • Tandem pumping for long distances.
  • Parallel pumping for large flow volume.
  • Assembly in units and vehicles of extinction.


Sideinfo self-protection system


How does it work?

The motor pump is connected to a water source close to the houses, such as a swimming pool, in this way, it will only be necessary to connect the hoses to the motor pump and this will be in charge of supplying water to the SIDEINFO system.

SIDEINFO is a portable wildland fire defense system to protect targets in wildland urban interface areas or in operations with compromised personnel safety. It is also useful as a support tool in conventional firefighting operations. Its objective is to create a wet DEFENSE strip around the target to be protected, without exposing personnel. Its purpose is for the fire to reduce its propagation speed and flame intensity upon arrival at said strip, in order to carry out more effective and efficient extinguishing tasks. Allows the mixing of additives to improve the wetting role of water and increase the resistance of the strip.

It also allows preventive water supplies to be carried out on those days when the risk index of forest fires is higher, in order to reduce both the possibility of ignition and the spread of forest fires in urban areas. Its ease of handling makes it possible for a team of two people, with adequate training, to generate a moistened line of defense of more than 200 linear meters in less than 10 minutes. Once the system is installed you can start the operation immediately.


If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to answer them.

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